Sunday, August 1, 2010

Etat Libre d'Orange: Rien

My (winning) streak with Etat Libre d'Orange continues with Rien.

Rien is a leather lover's must have. Let me warn you that this is not the typical sweetened leather concoction. And most people will tell you that it is extremely dry: fact.

Rien strikes me as a rubbery, soapy, tarry, aggressive, civety leather. In a huge sense, I could relate Rien to the smell of burnt rubber. It opens with a huge dose of soapiness, wrapped in a thick cloud of rubbery smoke, while exuding bitter tones of leather, to the point it feels a little medicinal and anti-septic.

All that being said, I think the term (I'll borrow it from my friend and fellow Basenoter - Moltening) that best encaptures most of Rien, is "Mineralic"/"Smell of wet stone". It just clicked for me, when I read his review on Rien.

As Rien retires and settles, I get light whiffs of almost-sweet rose and incense, something which I must have missed earlier in that bitter haze.

This is one of the most daring scents I've encountered yet.

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